Your username is your entire email address.
Cape Verde Praia Mission eldersmith@ cv.rai.teancum.net
Offering FREE, Filtered Email to LDS Mormon Missionaries throughout their Full-Time Mission Service. Provides more Storage Space for Larger Attachments and Transferability to a Post Mission Account. Supported through Member Donations, Sponsors, and Volunteers.
To mark the Project's 2 Year Anniversary, we are offering Members a New, FREE Basic Account perfect for Home, School, or Church that is supported through LDS Ads. Donation based accounts are still available and help in sponsoring our Ad-Free Missionary Email Service.
2008-01-15 - Utah - Teancum Mail is currently searching for a Volunteer Perl Programmer willing to donate their time and talents in the next exciting phase of the Teancum Project. The individual will posses or be willing to learn the essentials of scripting a Perl Module, Regular Expressions, DBD/DBI, and forking Perl Processes. Students in a related field, who would like to fill a class or degree requirement working on a real-world project, are encouraged to apply. Contact Us.
2008-01-08 - Utah - Due to the continued growth and success of Teancum Mail, it was necessary to add a new server to the network. The new server should expand the processing power of the network to nearly 15 times its previous capacity. We did have a minor DNS issue while adding the new server, but in all it should have been transparent to most of our faithful users.
2007-12-14 - Utah - With Teancum Mail's increased growth and exposure have come individuals who would like to take advantage and abuse the Teancum Network. To counter these abuse attempts, we have employeed several existing and customized methods of identifying and blocking these threats.
2006-03-23 - Utah - We have created a new Change/Recover Password feature, for those Teancum Mail Users who have a tendency of losing or forgetting their password, or simply like to change their password frequently for increased security.
2006-02-09 - Utah - After several months of diligent effort, the Teancum Project is pleased to officially introduce two exciting, new features—Official LDS Wards & Branchs and YourLDSMail. Official Wards & Branchs enables Missionaries and Members to search or list themselves among 25,000 LDS Wards & Branchs. YourLDSMail allows affiliated LDS Organizations and Services to compliment their own offering with FREE, Branded LDS Mail. If you like these new features, wait for what we have in store.
2005-06-10 - Utah - After nearly two years of research and development, the Teancum Project is pleased to officially announce its latest offering to the Latter-day Saint community, an LDS Global Address Book dubbed the LDS Global Directory.
Your username is your entire email address.
Dumas Branch Dumas emma@ smith.teancum.net